A recent decision of the Divisional Court raises the issue of when an individual can be found personally liable in…
Jeremy D. Schwartz
The Ontario Court of Appeal, in Ontario (Labour) v. Flex-N-Gate Canada Company, has overturned a lower Court finding found that an employer…
A new Regulation[1] under the OHSA will explicitly require that workers and supervisors receive basic occupational health and safety training as…
Vivianne Ponce discusses new OHS awareness training requirements in Ontario
Jeremy Schwartz discusses recent punitive damages awards in Ontario
Allison Taylor discusses recent decisions from the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario suggesting a disturbing trend in that tribunal permitting…
Ryan Conlin discusses the potentially watershed decision in R. v. Roofing Medics, in which the court commented that more personal…
Ryan Conlin and Jeremy Schwartz discuss Bill 146 and the potential impact on employers.
The Ontario Labour Relations Board (“OLRB”) recently made an important decision which may represent a significant shift in how it…