Stir the Sleeping Giant: Remedial Certification Rears its Head in 2010! – Jeff Murray & Kelly McDermott
Jeremy D. Schwartz
Don’t Forget to Consider “Consideration” – Jeremy Schwartz
WSIB Experience Rating Retrofit – Ryan Conlin
The Boyce decision establishes that at least in some instances injured workers are free to attempt to concurrently pursue Human…
WSIB Return to Work Decisions: Are they Binding on the Human Rights Tribunal? – Ryan Conlin
After 19 years of protracted litigation, the Human Rights Tribunal of Alberta has now awarded a former employee of Mobil…
Alberta Human Rights Tribunal Awards Employee $650,000 – Kelly McDermott
Labour & Employment Law Update 2010 Join us at our upcoming conference on November 4, 2010 at the Toronto Congress…
Our own Allison Taylor, along with Peter Wilson, have co-authored the 3rd edition of their book, “The Corporate Counsel Guide to…
Kelly McDermott and Jeremy Schwartz Effective July 1, 2010, the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario has made significant changes to…