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Contracting Under the OHSA: Navigating the Legal Minefield

Registrations have closed.
Ryan J. Conlin

Contracting Under the OHSA: Navigating the Legal Minefield

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IMPORTANT NOTICE: Parking and Breakfast Included. Register your vehicle’s plate at the Seminar (don’t pay at the kiosk). Breakfast served from 8 a.m. Program commences promptly at 9 a.m. and ends at noon. [Mr. Jeremy Schwartz, originally listed as one of the presenters, is unable to attend due to a scheduling conflict.]


The OHSA imposes a complex array of responsibilities and liabilities with respect to contracting.  Employers can be held liable for the OHSA contraventions of sub-contractors and are considered the “employer” of every worker employed by a sub-contractor. There are special rules for construction contracting which allow owners to contract out OH&S liability when strict legal criteria are met.

You will learn about:

  • OHSA obligations for the employees of sub-contractors
  • Why pre-qualification is critical for establishing due diligence for sub-contractors
  • Strategies for ensuring due diligence for temporary agency workers
  • The nuts and bolts of an effective contractor management program
  • How to conduct an effective pre-job meeting with sub-contractors
  • Legal obligations for supervision of contractors
  • A review of the unique OHSA definitions of “construction” and “project”
  • How owners can inadvertently become responsible for OH&S compliance for an entire construction project
  • The latest word from the courts about contracting for construction and the fine line between being a prudent owner and becoming the constructor
  • The importance of well drafted contract language which reflects OHSA roles and responsibilities

Additional Details

Number of Seats - 130

Event registration closed.

Date And Time

2012-04-19 @ 09:00 AM (EDT) to
2012-04-19 @ 12:00 PM (EDT)

Registration End Date


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