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Termination of Employment: How the Court of Appeal has changed the law on termination and what you can do about it
694 694 people viewed this event.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Parking and Breakfast Included. Register your vehicle’s plate at the Seminar (don’t pay at the kiosk). Breakfast served from 8 a.m. Program commences promptly at 9 a.m. and ends at noon.
In tough economic times, employers often cannot avoid making the difficult decision to terminate employees, especially those who are unproductive or unsuitable. Unfortunately, recent decisions of the Court of Appeal have made the costs of termination potentially more onerous. This program will explain the fundamentals of employment law relating to termination, why notice periods will lengthen as a result of recent Court of Appeal decisions, and how to protect your business.
You will Learn:
- Why employment is contractual and the effect this has on notice of termination
- Why Employment Standards Act notice and severance pay are not enough
- How much notice is enough for managerial and non-managerial employees
- What about just cause – can we avoid notice altogether?
- Special issues: aggravated damages, loss of LTD benefits and other pitfalls
- How to develop a bullet-proof severance package
- How to limit your liability – the benefits of a written employment contract
Additional Details
Number of Seats - 30